Hi, I'm Arissa! But my friends call me Riss. I have three cats, two snakes, and a lot of houseplants. It's a jungle in here! Most days, I come home from work and relax in bed while watching some sort of bad reality TV, or sneaking in a few episodes of a show my fiancé and I are supposed to be watching together. Shhhh! I enjoy caring for my plants, painting, online shopping, walking the beach, looking for beach glass, and cuddling my cats. I feel like I'm forgetting something... Oh yeah! Photography! From a young age, I've always enjoyed taking photos. I remember getting my first phone as a kid. Yes- it was a flip phone, but it was pink! I took so many pictures with that thing, to the point I was constantly picking and choosing which ones I wanted to keep. Phone storage wasn't very big back then! But, through the years, getting new phones, iPods, and eventually, my first camera, I never strayed away from enjoying photography.
Riss <3